
Case Study
Raising the volume with this lively adult daycare brand

the challenge
Unfortunately, too many Brooklyn seniors spend their days home, alone or with an aide, when they could be spending that time enjoying, connecting, singing, and dancing at Bainbridge Adult Daycare Center.
The center provides real support to seniors and their families in the form of healthcare, physical and occupational therapy, meals, activities, and a vibrant social life. Best yet, it’s all fully covered by Medicaid.
For too long, Bainbridge was a hidden gem: beloved by those who knew and spent time there.
Once a senior stepped through their door kept coming back, but they needed a way to get the word out to a larger audience.

what was their next?
At the heart of Bainbridge is a family of staff and seniors who look out for each other and spend their days together.
We keyed into what makes Bainbridge so special, and positioned them as “A friend for life,” there for the seniors in their care through thick and thin, good days and hard ones, joy and sadness.
Embracing the heart of Bainbridge, we created a brand that overflows with heart and joi de vivre.

the process
A promise of “Life’s better, together” now centers the brand, and the brand’s language reflects that promise across every touchpoint — highlighting the gift of connection and friendship.
Dynamic photography feels candid and genuine, centering around the action, activities, and social scene at the heart of Bainbridge.

Colors are bright, inviting, and joyful. Shapes continue the story of connection and friendship in a visceral ways. Fonts are bold and easy to read for a senior audience.
the results
Marketing initiatives and community outreach raised the volume on who Bainbridge is and all the services and benefits it offers. Newcomers were welcomed with open arms and hands.