Two Ears. One Mouth. We use them in that order, and in that proportion.
We believe that in order to arrive at the right answers, we need to ask the right questions. Only then can we use our expertise to scratch beneath the visible surface and get to the heart of the matter. We also take the time to understand what our clients need, so we can give them exactly that — no more and no less.
our capabilities
Inform strategy with actionable insights.
Brand Strategy
Build a foundation for your brand that guides every decision you make.
Brand Identity
Solidify your market presence, foster customer loyalty, and enhance recognition.
Nail the first interaction anyone will have with your brand.
Digital Experience
Increase user satisfaction and drive engagement (and conversions) across digital platforms.
Boost visibility and customer acquisition.
Let your product jump off the shelf.
Elevate customer in-store experience and sales.
Industrial Design
Enhance product functionality and aesthetic appeal.
Memorably expand your audience reach and influence.
Employee Retention
Reduce turnover, boost employee productivity.
Content Production
Be the thought leader and go-to destination in your industry.
we believe that
If we listened any better we’d be psychologists

Skin in the game
We’re partners, not just service providers. The difference? We take it personally.
Judging by the passion and commitment we bring to every project, you’d think we had an equity stake in our clients’ ventures. We do. We’re investing our heart and soul, and that makes us partners in their success. We don’t ask to share in the profits, but we get to bask in the glory of their every achievement.
Magicians & merrymakers
More often than not, a little bit of creativity takes the “im” out of impossible.
Nothing great has ever been achieved by those who are afraid to challenge the status quo. Which is why we analyze every project to see how and where creativity and innovation can improve the bottom line.

Individual identity; Shared purpose
We’re all in this together, but we assume responsibility individually.
We harness the power of teamwork to accomplish together what no individual possibly could. But we hold ourselves accountable as individuals, after making sure our personal responsibilities are clear and understood.

If we listened any better we’d be psychologists
Two Ears. One Mouth. We use them in that order, and in that proportion.
We believe that in order to arrive at the right answers, we need to ask the right questions. Only then can we use our expertise to scratch beneath the visible surface and get to the heart of the matter. We also take the time to understand what our clients need, so we can give them exactly that — no more and no less.

Magicians & merrymakers
More often than not, a little bit of creativity takes the “im” out of impossible.
Nothing great has ever been achieved by those who are afraid to challenge the status quo. Which is why we analyze every project to see how and where creativity and innovation can improve the bottom line.

Every micro is macro
While we’re focused on the big picture, we’re sweating every detail.
The success of every project is the sum of its parts. If market-driven strategy is a project’s engine, a precise execution is the fuel that gets you there. At Ptex, we take our P’s very seriously: proactivity, punctuality, perfectionism, and precision, because coming up short in never an option.

Into the deep end
It takes integrity and courage to speak up, when what you’d much rather do is shut up.
Tactfully, mindfully, and respectfully, we speak our minds, and keep the lines of communication flowing. With honesty and transparency, we speak up, lift each other up, and help each other grow.

Individual identity; Shared purpose
We’re all in this together, but we assume responsibility individually.
We harness the power of teamwork to accomplish together what no individual possibly could. But we hold ourselves accountable as individuals, after making sure our personal responsibilities are clear and understood.

Skin in the game
We’re partners, not just service providers. The difference? We take it personally.
Judging by the passion and commitment we bring to every project, you’d think we had an equity stake in our clients’ ventures. We do. We’re investing our heart and soul, and that makes us partners in their success. We don’t ask to share in the profits, but we get to bask in the glory of their every achievement.

Brain Tank
These next few lines are the core of what we do, and we mean that quite literally.
Contained in the walls around you are two types of people, right brainers and left brainers. Content Vs. Code. Science Vs. Spirit. Around these tables and across our screens we bring those two forces together to move; people, products, and earnings. No matter the vehicle or medium we use, the core, the goal is tangible measurable results.
people of ptex
Meny Hoffman

Wolf Eisenbach

Chana Snyder
Senior Designer

Chava Bayla Shorser

Chavie Ausch
Etty Fink

Faigy Akda
Account Executive

Hindy Zussman
Idy Weiss
Director of HR
Leiby Beilus
Director of Call Center

Livy Hoffman
Mattie Holtzberg
Brand Strategist

Miriam Kilstein
Senior Designer

Miriam Reifman
Senior Designer
Motty Reisz
Director of Operations

Mushky Polak
Art Director

Nathan Weill
Automation Specialist

Rachel Swichar
Senior Designer

Rivky Ostreicher
Shlomo Grossman
Brand Strategist
Yaffa Eichler
Senior Designer
Yides Goldberger

Yossi Chanowitz
Business Development

Zlaty Joseph

brooklyn, NY

lakewood, NJ

all over the globe


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