Core Scaffolding

Case Study

Getting to the core of NYC’s leading scaffolding company

the challenge

Scaffolding is as prevalent as blaring horns and snarling traffic in the city that never sleeps. And if you’ve spent any time in the 5 Boroughs, chances are you’ve seen a CORE Scaffolding project.

When they came to us, CORE was looking to make a statement, verbally and visually, that would help them stand out from the fiercely-competitive pack.

what was their next?

At the time, NYC was still in the middle of a massive construction boom. CORE was looking to aggressively expand its reach, but without any sort of brand identity to show potential clients, were going to lose out on valuable opportunities.

the process

The best brands are usually always the ones that get right to the point. At the root of everything that CORE offered was a simple mission: To help builders build. Safely.

The core of any project’s success is the ability to keep on building, sans delays. CORE’s narrative centered on that, well, core.

While others in the industry kept repeating the same jargon, CORE’s simple but powerful narrative was a completely different approach. Visually, we opted for a system that would make a definitive, easily-identifiable splash. To top it all off, we created brilliant custom illustrations - a complete departure from the industry norm.

the results

Since the rebrand, CORE has become one of the most influential players in the NYC construction industry. Known for their innovative approach, thought leadership, and easily-identifiable brand, CORE is nothing less than a NYC staple.