Lasante Health

Case Study
A health center brand as vibrant as the community it serves

the challenge
How do you bridge the cultural divide in a multicultural community with an innate distrust of the medical world?
Located in Little Haiti, Lasante Health Center is staffed primarily by long-time neighborhood physicians passionate about improving health in the community. They needed an identity that felt more authentic to who they were — and would resonate better with who they served.
Lasante’s goal was to be perceived as THE go-to location for any and all health needs in the community.
And, while the goal was to ensure more people from the community would feel welcomed and invited in, the brand still needed to present itself as the robust, multi-specialty, professional Federally Qualified Health Center it is.

what was their next?
We drew inspiration from the vibrant community Lasante served — and the vibrant medical team they employed — to position them as the “Heart of the community’s health,” intent on improving quality of life.

Embracing the culture Lasante was a part of, we created a brand that hums with joy and life.
A promise of “Feel better, live better” now centers their brand, and the brand’s language reflects that promise across every touchpoint — highlighting how improving one’s health improves one’s quality of life.
the process
Pulsing with vibrant colors and dynamic photography, the story of Lasante — their warmth, their heart, their positivity, their health-driven mission — was brought to life.

The respect, hospitality, and family-focused values of Lasante are communicated through heartfelt photography that draws the audience in.
the results
With a brand that reflects who they are, Lasante has been able to tune in and engage with its patient base across all communication and marketing touchpoints in a real and impactful way.
Staff are proud to be a part of Lasante’s clearly defined mission. And patients appreciate the authentic joy, warmth, hospitality, and care they receive whenever they walk through the door.