Advanced Entry

Case Study

Naming the New Game to help Advanced Entry expand

B2B Service


the challenge

Founded during the COVID pandemic, Advanced Entry offers an innovative, AI-powered Visitor Management System.

Originally developed to service healthcare facilities with enhanced patient/resident protection, Advanced Entry came to us looking to reposition its brand platform and expand its offering to other industries.


what was their next?

With the COVID pandemic in the rearview mirror, organic demand for Advanced Entry’s product had slowed. As a result, Advanced Entry’s positioning could no longer be COVID-related.

In addition, Advanced Entry was looking to expand beyond healthcare into completely different industries, including Education, Corporate Offices, and Hospitality. In order to do so, Advanced Entry needed to shift its focus from health safety and security and incorporate other benefits into its messaging

This meant doing the following:

– Creating a unified brand message
– Taking that message and adapting it to different industries
– Showcasing the benefits of the product without overwhelming potential customers
– Moving the message away from COVID (negative perception) and security
– Expanding the message/positioning beyond a simple sign-in kiosk

the process

The Visitor Management System niche is a highly-cluttered, Although unique in their own right, Advanced Entry would face an uphill climb trying to stand apart from the myriad options across all industries.

We had to go deeper. Take a look at the new way and the old way.

So we figured, what if, while others competed for attention in the realm of Visitor Management Systems, we name the new game:

Visitor Intelligence

In a world where data is king, Advanced Entry enables businesses to do so much more than manage visitors.

By providing 360° insight into who’s coming in and out of their place of work, Advanced Entry customers can proactively build a better, more efficient business. Upgrading customer service, security, expense management, marketing, guest experience - all in one highly-intelligent, easy-to-use bit of technology.

the results

Armed with a distinct, powerful narrative, Advanced Entry has successfully begun to expand into different industries, while also gaining back more market share in the skilled nursing and broader healthcare industries.

A renewed vigor took hold among employees, particularly within leadership and salespeople.

Equipped with a clear, cohesive message, they were emboldened to conduct more impactful conversations, setting themselves apart in an intensifying competitive arena.
