Swingit 2023

Case Study

Leveraging an outdoor living trend to sell designer swingsets

Consumer Goods Retail

the challenge

Long-time client Swingit was ideally positioned to attract a more sophisticated segment of the market.

Thanks to modern colors, fresh layouts, and a dream design team known for infusing magic into every set, they stood apart from traditional swingset manufacturers.

The challenge: how to showcase their standout strength in a way that was clear — and compelling?

what was their next?

Our team chose to harness the growing post-COVID "outdoor living" trend to bring Swingit’s beautiful options and custom capabilities to life.

After all, what better way to elevate your family’s outdoor living space than a designer playscape?

At the foundation, we imagined relatable yet upscale outdoor living scenes where a Swingit sets the stage: baby's first birthday, camping with daddy, crack of dawn mornings.

Heartwarming moments of connection and love so beautiful, parents would want to create for themselves.

the process

The team worked closely with event planners and set designers to create scenes that were vibrant, magical — and perfectly suited to each set’s color theme. Photography captured candid moments that felt authentic and relatable.

A partnership with lifestyle influencer Rivki Rabinowitz added a new dimension and level of reach to the campaign, bringing the joys of outdoor living front and center.

the results

The campaign successfully solidified Swingit as a design-first brand by showcasing their custom playscapes as essential elements of an upscale outdoor lifestyle — resulting in a notable increase in inquiries for custom playscapes.