
Case Study

Marketing campaign for a beloved, international tea brand.

the challenge

The largest tea brand in Israel, Wissotzky enjoyed a strong international presence but had mustered little brand loyalty in the U.S.

Our research found that the lukewarm reception to the Wissotzky brand was mainly due to cultural and lifestyle factors. In the U.S., tea was treated as a remedial beverage, to be slowly sipped by sore-throat-and-sniffle sufferers. Americans associated tea with awkward conversation and stuffy rooms - not as the calming brew beloved worldwide.

what was their next?

To reach our family-oriented target audience, we needed to craft a message portraying Wissotzky Tea as the preferred, family-friendly beverage - a drink of wellness and togetherness, to be sipped and savored at any time, in any place.

To spread this message, we created a comprehensive, 360 campaign, using shelf-talkers, in-store signage, print mediums, and digital channels designed to deliver a message as full of flavor and warmth as Wissotzky’s tea.

Print ads introduced American readership to Wissotzky’s idea of me-time- a pause, a chance to reflect, breathe, and enjoy a steaming cup of delicious tea.

The ad’s design and copy centered around the busy schedule of mothers everywhere- with the all-important Wissotzky moment firmly penciled in to diffuse stress.

the process

To further emphasize this message, we created a stirring, emotion-laden video campaign, targeting and saluting the keyholders at the heart of the Jewish home.

Despite the frenzied, hectic, obligation-filled jumble that makes up the average day, Wissotzky encourages mothers to take a moment, kick back and indulge.

To bring out the best, we needed to find te best a little bit of “me-time”. This meant scouring and casting, screening and auditioning countless production crews, actors, editors, and voiceover artists, collecting props, determining site locations, etc. to craft the perfect tribute.

the results

The campaign took on a life of its own, sparking a movement, attracting hundreds of thousands of eyeballs, and infusing the warmth of the Wissotzky brand into the hearts and minds of a newly-conscious market.

Harnessing the magic of Wissotzky, breathing new life into an icon, while simultaneously giving Jewish mothers a reason to sip and smile - now that’s our cup of tea.