
Case Study
Rebrand and strategic positioning for a beloved neighborhood grocery

the challenge
Yidel’s, a small-time Brooklyn grocery, was losing market share due to rising competition in the neighborhood. They came to Ptex seeking a POA that would help them reclaim their piece of the pie.
Following a comprehensive brand audit, we set out to scout the location and the in-store experience, getting a firsthand peek into the mindset of the average passerby and consumer.
As our creative team stood outside the nondescript exterior of the store on their inital visit, they were caught in an absolute downpour - and inspiration hit.

what was their next?
Yidel’s Grocery was renamed Yidel’s Fresh Food Station, a name that paid homage to its metro-centric location.
The name also formed the foundation of its new positioning. As a food station, Yidel's was essentially extending an invitation to one and all to stop in -at any time.

Typography, signage and other visual assets were inspired by Massimo Vignelli, the renowned designer of the MTA signage and symbols.
Messaging was kept clear and direct to match the bold visuals, complemented by mouthwatering photography that highlighted the freshness and quality of Yidel’s selection.

the process
Every agency has their own approach to naming, but ours is pretty simple: “Brand first, name second.” In other words, set the brand strategy first, figure out what you need to communicate, and let the name follow.

New departments — a salad bar, sushi bar, and coffee station, utilized the new branding, enforced the new positioning, and enhanced the in-store consumer experience.
A renewed focus on strategic marketing meant that departments and services that had previously been undersold or ignored entirely were now prominently featured, both in the store and the local papers.
We also developed a robust point-of-sale loyalty program and rewards referral program, which quickly resulted in a significant uptick in consumer retention.
the results
Our branding took Yidels from a run-of-the-mill shop and made it a head-turning, can’t-miss Brooklyn icon.
The beautiful, newly renovated location enhanced by the memorable, personality-filled visuals immediately caught the eye, with new customers and the old clientele showing up to shop as never before.