
Lessons from Aaron Cordovez’s $200M Brand on Succeeding in Amazon

With Aaron CordovezEP 155

In an arena swarming with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of competitors vying for the same product niche as you, what sets you apart? We don’t want to aim for mere survival, it’s about rising to the top.

Join Meny and Aaron as they talk about strategies for taking your business to the next level, such as creating additional revenue streams, focusing on customer service, and understanding your customers’ needs. Find out why Aaron advocates for the necessity of continuous learning and adaptability in business alongside the strategic management of financial resources during expansion. He asserts that every interaction a customer has with a brand should be exceptional, emphasizing that strong branding is crucial for success in a saturated marketplace.


[00:01 – 15:20] How Aaron Found Success as an Entrepreneur Despite Challenges

Aaron Cordovez built a brand that has sold over $200 million worth of products on the internet.
To build a successful brand, one needs to think about what their product will have that no one else will have and how they can service the customer better than anyone else.
Being secretive about your brand or product doesn’t guarantee success or safety from competitors.
Brand strength is key to surviving in a saturated market. Build a product so unique and a service so superior that it can’t easily be replicated


[15:21 – 29:29] The Fundamentals of Running an Amazon Business

The importance of passing on what you have learned to others, particularly in the realm of business and entrepreneurship.
Visit for investment opportunities.
Make an impact on your customer by bringing something unique and valuable to the market.
Don’t just sell, build a brand; Shift your focus from solely aiming for top sales rankings on Amazon to creating a loyal customer base and building a brand.
The only constant in business is change. Businesses must continuously evolve and adapt their strategies to keep up with changes in the market.


[29:30 – 47:02] Creating Brand Confidence Through Interaction and Disruption Marketing

Building a brand means moving beyond individual product offerings to serving customers in a more holistic manner.
Before adding new products to the brand, it is essential to understand customer needs and ensure the products can deliver on these needs.
Brands need to specialize in specific areas to maintain their credibility and to ensure their products are of high quality.
Maintaining a top seller spot on Amazon requires continual innovation and adaptation.
Overly ambitious expansion can lead to significant financial difficulties. Cash flow planning is crucial to managing expansion and avoiding overextension.


[47:03 – 55:32] Closing Segment

Constant learning through reading, attending conferences, and networking is key in any business. However, implementing these learnings is equally important.
As your team grows, the need for well-established processes and systems becomes crucial.

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Practical Pointers
Don’t be overly concerned about secrecy when it comes to your brand. Secrecy is a giveaway that your brand or product are not on solid ground. If you have a unique selling point that makes your product worth buying, let everyone know about it instead of hiding behind your computer screen - because the stronger your niche and brand, the less you need to worry about someone else taking it.
While Amazon is clearly the biggest and most important online marketplace, you should also create additional revenue streams from other sellers, as well. Being the number one seller on Amazon is wonderful - but you won’t get there without also having offchannel strategies.
A brand is created less through advertising, and more through the product itself. Every interaction you have - from a service call to the customer’s use of the product - has a greater impact on branding than something you say on TV.
Never forget that you serve your customer, and the customer votes for who will have the greatest market share. The second you stop being the most attractive and best servant who fulfills the most needs, you will be dethroned - because it’s not a throne, it’s a place you earn through your customers’ votes.
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Guest Bio
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Aaron Cordovez

Is in the Top 100 Sellers on all of Amazon, selling $75 million a year. While working a 9-5 as a coder in 2015, he started Amazon as a side hustle to try and earn his family an extra $500-$1000 a month.

In two years' time, he was making over 6-figures a month from Amazon and today has sold over $200 million worth of products on the internet.

He has spoken in front of tens of thousands of people across the world and is on a mission to empower people to a life of entrepreneurship and success.

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