
How Laughing at These Money Mistakes Made Me Rich

With Naftali HorowitzEP 191

Today, our host Meny Hoffman dive deep into the intricacies of happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Naftali shares his perspective on why fleeting happiness should take a backseat to the enduring pursuit of meaning and satisfaction. Drawing from his experience as a managing director and financial advisor at JPMorgan and his best-selling book “You Revealed,” Naftali emphasizes the importance of living authentically, harnessing unique skills, and practicing gratitude.


In this episode, we’ll explore essential financial wisdom, such as the importance of budgeting, responsible spending, and understanding investments to avoid risky ventures. We’ll also hear Naftali’s thoughts on economic cycles, adjusting standards of living, and prioritizing savings for the future. As Naftali and Meny tackle the challenges of modern financial pressures, they provide actionable advice for those living paycheck to paycheck.


With discussions on self-esteem, the success of “You Revealed,” and Naftali’s plans for further contributions to self-development, this episode promises to inspire and empower you on your journey toward a fulfilling and responsible life. Tune in now to gain valuable insights into making meaningful changes in your financial and personal life.

  • 0:07:19 – Choose long-term enjoyment through disciplined financial decisions.
  • 0:09:44 – Save, budget, and plan for financial security.
  • 0:13:03 – Importance of budgeting for understanding expenses and value.
  • 0:18:07 – Stocks yield 6-10% above risk-free treasury.
  • 0:19:09 – Questioning 14% return as less risky than stocks.
  • 0:25:16 – Comparing people is ridiculous; spurs personal growth.
  • 0:26:48 – Focus on your own potential, not others.
  • 0:31:03 – Professional perspective on personal development and growth.
  • 0:33:18 – Do you communicate, keep promises, seek shortcuts?
  • 0:38:09 – Gratitude is vital for happiness and fulfillment.
  • 0:40:32 – Be grateful for what you have, always.
  • 0:44:19 – Book changes lives, inspires self-development and learning.
  • 0:46:20 – The impactful Torah book is challenging yet popular.
  • 0:50:01 – Closing remarks encouraging sharing and subscribing.
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Practical Pointers
Understanding and navigating economic fluctuations are crucial for maintaining financial health. By being aware of these cycles, individuals can make informed decisions about saving, investing, and spending, which can lead to more stable and secure financial outcomes.
Early financial planning is key to long-term stability. Initiating savings, investments, and retirement plans at the start of one's career can compound over time, providing a robust financial buffer and enabling greater financial freedom in the future.
Achieving financial balance is essential for a satisfying life. It's important to enjoy the present while also ensuring future financial security. This involves making conscious choices about spending and saving, allowing for both immediate enjoyment and long-term financial goals.
Budgeting is a powerful tool for uncovering financial vulnerabilities and creating opportunities for advancement. By regularly reviewing and adjusting a budget, individuals can identify areas where they can cut back on expenses and redirect funds towards career development or other investments that can lead to increased income.
Budgeting is a powerful tool for uncovering financial vulnerabilities and creating opportunities for advancement. By regularly reviewing and adjusting a budget, individuals can identify areas where they can cut back on expenses and redirect funds towards career development or other investments that can lead to increased income.
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Guest Bio
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Naftali Horowitz

Naftali Horowitz is a Managing Director and Financial Advisor at J.P. Morgan and author of You…Revealed. As a managing director of the nation’s largest investment bank, Naftali has learned a lot about the nature of success. He is also a man with a mission: to help Jews in any way he can. And help them he does, guiding tens of thousands of people to a greater understanding of themselves, their challenges, and their hidden potential, both in face-to-face meetings and in his popular lectures.

You…Revealed is not a typical self-help book for people looking for financial success – though it will certainly help them achieve that goal. Rather, it draws upon a wide range of Torah sources to help us discover our mission and purpose in life. You…Revealed combines profound Torah wisdom and time-tested mussar techniques with piercing psychological insights and fascinating true-life examples. It shows us how to achieve success while living lives of tranquility and contentment. Learn about this – and more! – in this compelling conversation..

Throughout his career, Jon has been dedicated to automating everyday, essential business tasks to create smarter, more efficient organizations, no matter what the industry. Prior to Archer Technologies, Jon held leadership positions at both EY and Price Waterhouse, honing his skills in understanding the need to automate and simplify work for the enterprise.

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