
Leading with Courage & Awakening Your Latent Genius

With Marc BraunEP 156

We often differentiate between business growth and personal growth and emphasize one at the expense of the other. But what if they’re intimately linked?

Join Meny Hoffman and his guest, former president of Cambridge Air Solutions and founder of Marc Braun, for a deep dive into the ways that your personal habits affect your business’s health. Along the way they discuss how your physical and mental health impact your ability to lead, ways to awaken your employees’ latent genius, why courage is crucial, the essentials of effective communication, being humble enough to ask for help, the ways to use social media effectively, and more.


[00:01 – 08:32] Opening Segment

• Leadership growth is the key to business growth

How leaders can foster courage and drive business growth
• Leaders have the responsibility of growing their company and themselves


[08:33 – 15:57] Unlocking Creative Genius

• Separating business growth from personal growth is important for navigating challenges

• To address a problem, it is important to look at the behavior of the leader

• How creative genius in humans decreases with age due to fear of failure or criticism

• Leaders need the courage to take risks and be creative to achieve business growth


[15:58 – 22:59] Finding the Balance Between Emotion and Logic

• Why courage is defined as action in the face of fear

• Leaders must breathe courage into their teams to help them learn and grow

Self-review of habits and systems is important for leaders
• Leaders should be humble enough to ask for help when needed


[23:00 – 30:22] How Leaders Can Navigate Social Media & Improve Communication Skills

• Leaders need to understand their blind spots and be aware of their emotional intelligence

• Communication is difficult and can go awry if emotions are not taken into consideration

Why digital communication should not be used for negative emotions or information


[30:23 – 37:37] How to Become a Positive Force for Good by Encouraging Leaders

• Social media can be used as a platform for leaders to have a voice, but it should not be abused

• Every leader has a public responsibility and must decide where their voice is heard

• Leaders struggle with articulating their vision and getting their team aligned with it


[37:38 – 41:38] Closing Segment

• A platform that helps organizations build coaching into every leader at every level

• Marc on the rapid four questions

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Practical Pointers
Strategic growth issues are often the result of the leader’s behavioral issues. By looking at the strategic problem exclusively, you might fix the immediate problem but it will reappear in different forms. By addressing the behavior of the leader, the strategic issues will eventually disappear as a direct consequence of improved leadership.
Because growth depends on having the courage to step outside of a comfort zone, people need to actively face their fears and press forward regardless. So your job as a leader is to further this movement by embodying it yourself, and encouraging your employees to take the risks that are necessary for creativity and growth. Making them afraid of venturing outside their comfort zone will undermine everything you’re trying to accomplish as a business leader.
It’s impossible to lead if you don’t take care of your own physical and mental health. Evaluate your needs as a human being - whether it’s how much sleep, or down time, or anything else you require - and self-review your habits to make sure you’re putting your basic needs first. If you don’t, you’re not only hurting yourself, but you’re also undermining your leadership capabilities.
Learn to ask for help - early, often, and continually. One of the scariest things for a leader to do is to admit they need help - but being able to ask for it is an essential characteristic of leadership. So get over the fear, find someone who cares about you and has experience that is relevant, and humbly ask them to help you figure out how to get through the challenge that you’re facing.
Successful communication depends upon your being aware of how you’re feeling. Before he communicates to his team, Marc asks himself if he’s mad, sad, glad, or afraid - and you should do something similar. If you communicate without realizing what emotion you’re projecting, you’ll undermine what you’re actually saying by sending the wrong underlying message.
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Guest Bio
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Marc Braun

Marc Braun is a coach who teaches business leaders how to build cultures of growth in their companies. He served as president of Cambridge Air Solutions—a renowned engineering and manufacturing company revolutionizing HVAC technologies – and quadrupled revenue and increased profitability tenfold during his 13 years at the company.

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