Insights, ideas, and inspiration to power your business further.

Meny Hoffman
alt Our New Website is Live! (and what it means)
By Meny Hoffman Let's Talk Business 2 min read

As the CEO of a marketing agency for more than 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of working with hundreds of business owners across just about every conceivable industry. Whether it’s a business owner in the healthcare industry, e-commerce, construction, real estate, tech –  the list goes on – there’s always been one throughline, one […]

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alt Is Asking for Help a Strength or a Weakness?
By Meny Hoffman Leadership 3 min read

Do you view asking for help as a strength or as a weakness? Your answer to this question can make or break your business. By the time he came to me to ask for advice, the only thing left to do was stop the bleeding and get out. He sat across from me in my […]

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alt Without any ONE of these, your business is in trouble.
By Meny Hoffman Leadership 4 min read

Not every great idea is a business. And not every business needs a great idea. So, what does an idea need to have to be successful? It comes down to three fundamental pillars. What makes a business a business? I can’t count how many times I’ve sat down with people who asked me to sign […]

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Recent Featured

Our New Website is Live! (and what it means)

2 min read

Ptex Group Wins GDUSA 2024 Award for “Kickoff” Branding

1 min read

Ptex Group Wins GDUSA 2024 Award for Branding Rosemary Supermarket

1 min read

Ptex Group Wins GDUSA 2024 Award for Branding Rosemary Supermarket

1 min read

Our New Website is Live! (and what it means)

2 min read

Burnout is Bad. Here’s How to Avoid It.

3 min read

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