Insights, ideas, and inspiration to power your business further.

You only have a limited amount of emotional and mental energy to give in any 24-hour period. What do you want to spend it on? As a person in business, each day can feel like a new rollercoaster of experiences and emotions. One minute you’re engaged in an exciting sales call with a large potential […]
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Two lumberjacks were competing in the finals of the annual lumberjack competition. One was older and more experienced, the other a younger and stronger lumberjack. The rules were simple: Whoever can fell the most trees in a day, wins. The younger lumberjack, full of enthusiasm, immediately got to work. He could hear the other lumberjack […]
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When it comes to hiring effective salespeople, here’s something you should consider about personality-type. When is the last time you hired a salesperson that you think is absolutely perfect for the job, only to find out they can’t close a sale if their life depended on it? If this has happened to you, you’re in […]
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