
Breaking Down Big Goals into Achievable Steps with Rabbi Shmuel Reichman

With Rabbi Shmuel ReichmanEP 197

Sometimes, we like to imagine that business success can be separated from success in other areas of life. But as Meny Hoffman, host of the “Let’s Talk Business” podcast, often says, life is like a car with four wheels: the wheels of spiritual goals, financial goals, health goals, and family goals; if one wheel is flat, the others won’t do much good.

In this conversation with international speaker, bestselling author, business coach, and CEO of Self-Mastery Academy Rabbi Shmuel Reichman, Meny and Shmuel discuss the importance of personal development as a part of business success, the need to create an integrated life, the necessity of having a vision and the ways to divide that vision into bite-size goals, avoiding irrational fears of failure, having partners to whom you can be accountable, and much more.


  • In our episode, Rabbi Reichman emphasizes the necessity of accountability and having a supportive network when pursuing new goals or personal development.
  • Our conversation highlights the need for balanced growth across spiritual, financial, health, and family aspects to sustain long-term success.
  • We discuss the value of involving spouses in business endeavors and how shared missions and communication transform personal and professional relationships.
  • Lastly, we discuss the role of coaching and mentorship in overcoming obstacles and guiding personal and professional development, including Rabbi Reichman’s approach to integrating therapy, coaching, and consulting.
  • This and so much more on the “Let’s Talk Business” podcast… Let’s dive into our conversation with Rabbi Shmuel Reichman.
  • 06:05 – Devoted life to ideas and wisdom, blending worlds.
  • 07:45 – Mission to synthesize personal development and business.
  • 11:33 – Achieving balance across life’s dimensions ensures success.
  • 15:13 – Discovering and achieving personal and professional potential.
  • 17:46 – Developing a vision for self-improvement and success.
  • 22:12 – Self-improvement without needing validation from others.
  • 24:42 – Discover and express your true self’s purpose.
  • 30:50 – Breaking down ambitious goals into manageable steps.
  • 33:12 – Having an exercise partner is essential accountability.
  • 36:03 – Essential hardcore success: identity, belief, mindset, persistence.
  • 40:50 – Appreciate timeliness and impact of personal growth.
  • 44:51 – Set a six-month deadline to transition careers.
  • 46:01 – Embrace, control, and surround yourself for success.
  • 49:41 – Spouse commitment surpasses business partnerships and values.
  • 52:17 – Diverse coaching program covers therapy, coaching, consulting.
  • 56:07 – Recognize and overcome irrational fears for success.
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Practical Pointers
You often hear people say that we shouldn’t mix family and business. But that’s not necessarily the case. Your spouse is committed to you for the long term, has the same mission and goals as you do, and is 100% trustworthy, supportive, and cheering you on to succeed.
Even when you have bite-size goals on the way to the big vision, you still need accountability. That’s why having a partner is essential: a spouse, a coach, or someone else who will make sure that you’re doing what you set out to do.
It’s important to have a big and impressive vision; but you’ll probably get discouraged if the goal appears beyond reach. Instead, divide your time into bite-size goals so that you can reach for the first step before trying to get to the second.
Learn to recognize the difference between rational and irrational fears. Too often, people are afraid of failure even though there’s no reason to believe that failure is likely.
You accomplish this by thinking of a realistic time frame for something very big, then orienting this year towards one step of that goal, and this month towards one step of the yearly goal, and this day towards one step of the monthly goal.
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Guest Bio
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Rabbi Shmuel Reichman

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is an international speaker, bestselling author, business coach, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of business, psychology, Jewish thought, and leadership. His videos, articles, and inspiring content have reached millions of people worldwide and his online courses have revolutionized the way self-development is being taught. He is the author of the bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, and his online Masterclass, Self-Mastery Academy, is a transformative online self-development course based on the principles of high-performance psychology and leadership.

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