
Defining Seo, Using Seo, and Growing with Seo

With Stephan SpencerEP 172

Your business can grow with SEO – but only if you do it right. On this episode of Let’s Talk Business, SEO expert and Netconcepts Founder Stephan Spencer joins Meny for a deep dive into Search Engine Optimization. Learn how to maximize SEO, what mistakes to avoid, and the ways to make your website SEO-friendly as well as beautiful and useful. Meny and Stephan also discuss the best ways to discover the keywords you need, the reasons that blogs (under a different name) are not going out of style, the importance of turning your audio and video clips into written transcripts, how to determine which firm is most fit to help you with SEO, and much more.



[00:01 – 08:05] The Essence of SEO and Business Growth

SEO as a long-term asset
Differences between SEO and pay-per-click
The importance of SEO in building sustainable business growth


[08:06 – 16:28] Optimizing Web Presence

Strategies for effective web design and SEO integration
Balancing user experience with SEO requirements
The role of content in enhancing web visibility


[16:29 – 24:16] Evolution of Digital Marketing

Shifts in digital marketing strategies
Integration of SEO with social media and content marketing
The changing landscape of online business presence


[24:17 – 32:56] Selecting the Right SEO Partner

Criteria for choosing an SEO agency
The pitfalls of poor SEO strategies
The importance of results-driven SEO partnerships


[32:57 – 39:49] Closing Segment

Stephan’s spiritual awakening and its impact on his business approach
The intersection of personal development and professional success
Leveraging spirituality for better decision-making in business

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Practical Pointers
When you plan to redesign your website and you want to make sure that you’re optimizing your SEO, research keywords in advance using tools such as Semrush or Moz Keyword Explorer, in order to identify keywords that your competitors are ranking in, and you’re not.
Too many companies work so hard at search engine optimization that they make their sites keyword-rich, but also extremely boring and unhelpful. What should you do? Use those keywords, have rich and valuable content, but avoid a long wall of text. Instead, use short sentences and short paragraphs, while adding lots of imagery, screen shots, pull quotes, and YouTube embeds. That’s the way you can have the best of both worlds.
If you hire a professional firm to help you with SEO, don’t just look for a referrals page; look for a results page, with actual numbers that you can analyze. Ideally, this should include case studies explaining the background information, the solution, and results that substantiate the claims that the company makes. You should also be able to take the firm’s clients’ URLs and use various tools to verify that the results are to your satisfaction.
Social media presents two obvious problems: first, you’re subject to the rules and whims of the social media companies, and second, no one looks at posts from last month. So turn your social media posts into blog entries on your website- but call them something else, like a research center, academy, or university. Make sure to organize them by subject rather than by date, so that it won’t matter how long they’ve been up.
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Guest Bio
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Stephan Spencer

Stephan Spencer is an SEO expert, founder of interactive agency Netconcepts, bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, life hacker, podcaster, and contributor to
Harvard Business Review and AdWeek. He has three books published by O’Reilly: The Art of SEO (just out in its 4th edition), Social eCommerce, and Google Power Search. He’s helped optimize websites of some of the biggest brands in the world, including Chanel, Volvo, Sony, and Zappos. Stephan hosts two podcast shows: Get Yourself Optimized and Marketing Speak.

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