
Purple Cow, How to Be Remarkable, and the Secrets of Marketing in 2023

With Seth GodinEP 157

In a world that changes at blinding speed, the difference between success and failure is often a question of learning to adapt in a way that will serve your customers. What are some of the most important differences between marketing in the past and marketing in 2023, and how can you utilize these changes to grow your business?

Join Meny Hoffman as he asks entrepreneur, best-selling author, world-famous blogger, and marketing guru Seth Godin about why advertising doesn’t work anymore, Seth’s fascinating innovations, the difference between permission marketing and interruption marketing, how to limit your audience in order to grow your business, why being first is overrated, the reason that you should lead your company like a surfer rather than a golfer, ways to integrate AI into your operations, and much more.


[00:01 – 07:55] Opening Segment

• Give people something they want to talk about and remark on

Marketing is not about selling stuff; it’s about serving customers
• Building a remarkable product is key to successful marketing

• Why storytelling plays an important role in marketing


[07:56 – 15:08] How to Cut Through the Clutter with Permission-Based Marketing

• Seth stresses what permission-based marketing is

• Small businesses should focus on creating a remarkable service rather than competing on price

• Marketing should be targeted to a specific market, with an emphasis on the problem they are trying to solve

• Creative marketers should avoid Shiny Object Syndrome by sticking to one platform


[15:09 – 23:10] Exploring the Role of Leadership in a Changing World

• Going first is way overrated; what matters is that you picked one

Showing up and standing for something is key to earning trust and making a change
• The connection between marketing and sales is adding human emotion to the equation

• Why leadership always defeats management in times of change


[23:11 – 30:54] The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of AI

• How business owners can adapt to maximize productivity

• Control the present to restore the past vs. dance with the present to invent the future

• Younger generation of leaders: technology and Zoom vs. face-to-face interactions

• Companies should make decisions that benefit their culture


[30:55 – 38:24] Unlocking the Magic of AI: Practical Advice for Business Owners

• How AI can maximize people’s work and not replace them

• AI is similar to electricity in that it maximizes productivity and changes everything

• AI will have speed bumps, but it can be used to discover things

• Start with project-based teams and use AI to create value


[38:25 – 41:19] Closing Segment

• How Seth decided long ago to post every day

• Seth on the rapid four questions

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Practical Pointers
“Marketing is telling a true story that resonates with your smallest viable audience that they want to hear, that causes them to take action and to tell their friends.” – Seth Godin
Sales is what happens when we add unscalable human emotion to the marketing equation.” – Seth Godin
“Leadership is voluntary. Leadership is about lighting a path forward and seeing who will follow you.” – Seth Godin
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Guest Bio
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Seth Godin

Seth Godin is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker. In addition to launching one of the most popular blogs in the world, he has written 21 best-selling books, including The Dip, Linchpin, Purple Cow, Tribes, and What To Do When It's Your Turn (And It's Always Your Turn). His book, This is Marketing, was an instant bestseller in countries around the world. In 2013, Seth was one of just three professionals inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, and he was also inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame as well in 2018. (He might be the only person in both.)

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