
The Unique Job Only You Can Do with Visionary

With Rabbi Ezra MaxEP 151

When you realize that there’s something in the world that only you can do, it will fundamentally change the way you work and the way you live your life. For visionary, speaker, executive coach, and facilitator Rabbi Ezra Max, that realization came in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, when he worked at Ground Zero and barely escaped with his life. Join Meny in this wide-ranging conversation with Rabbi Max about setting goals, accountability, the definition of coaching, how coaching and consulting differ (and why it matters), the importance of celebrating achievement, and much more.

Rabbi Ezra Max is a visionary, speaker, executive coach and facilitator. He has a wide variety of management experience in healthcare, technology, emergency services, real estate, and community activism facilitating transformational change. He has lectured and facilitated internationally on issues of communication, goal setting, stress/trauma resilience, sales, parenting, psychological safety, and classroom management.


[00:01 – 13:34] Opening Segment

Ezra shares his personal experience on September 11th, 2001
How Ezra had a total meltdown and questioned life’s purpose
Everyone has a unique job to do in the world
Treat each day as if it’s your last and live it meaningfully


[13:35 – 26:41] Know What You’re Doing and Do It Well

Measure twice, cut once – know the outcome you’re aiming for
Post-traumatic stress is an incident, not a disorder
Use moments of inspiration to step up to challenges and gain clarity
How to achieve personal, spiritual, and family development with the help of accountability


[26:42 – 39:17] Unlocking the Difference Between Coaches & Consultants

The two types of coaching – pure coaching and content-based coaching
Communication skills are vital to avoiding dysfunction in teams
How to balance personal and professional growth
There is an epidemic of aloneness in the world post-covid


[39:18 – 45:24] How Giving Can Lead to Incredible Rewards

We should invest in something eternal rather than something momentary
How a coach can help us zoom out of a situation and alleviate tension
Sometimes, it’s helpful to give advice to someone else to gain clarity on our own situation
Ezra Focus on four goals: financial, family, spiritual, and health


[45:25 – 53:39] Closing Segment

The need for a conversation about the “epidemic of loneliness”
How to help the next generation plug into their source
Ezra on the rapid four questions

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Practical Pointers
Just as a car runs on four tires, you need to operate with four goals: financial goals, family goals, spiritual goals, and health goals. If you focus on one and ignore the others, the car will not run. But you also need to know why you want each goal, too, because when the why changes, the goal needs to change, as well.
At least once a year, recalibrate your goals anew - including not only your business goals, but your health, spiritual, and family goals. And if you can do it more often, that will be even more effective.
Have an accountability partner who will ensure that you’re trying to achieve your goals instead of wasting time - and when you do reach your goal, make sure to celebrate your achievement. Even better, part of the celebration itself should be determining what goals are next on your list.
Know whether you need a consultant or a coach. A consultant is an expert who takes apart and designs what you’re currently doing, whereas a coach helps you create an outcome that is true for you both on a personal and on a business level. People often confuse one for the other, but you need to know which skill you need in order to know whom to hire.
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Guest Bio
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Rabbi Ezra Max

Meet Rabbi Ezra Max: Visionary, Speaker, Executive Coach and Facilitator. He is the go-to specialist for crisis situations and strategically solves problems by focusing on solutions. Ezra is a trusted confidant and sounding board to authentic leaders.
He has a kaleidoscope of management experience in healthcare, technology, emergency services, real estate, and community activism facilitating transformational change.
Rabbi Max has the knowledge, experience, language and intuition to connect deeply with those he serves, whether it’s a virtual workshop, a coaching session or from the stage. He has lectured and facilitated internationally on issues of communication, goal setting, stress/trauma resilience, sales, parenting, psychological safety, and classroom management.
His approach honors the client's abilities and leverages them toward building more confidence, resilience and success.
Clients become calmer, clearer and focused on what they want and how to get it. They experience feeling balanced, confident, successful and on-purpose. They communicate more effectively, stress less and earn more.
Rabbi Max is an advisor to multiple 501c3’s and is 411/ 911 for his extensive network. He aspires to make the world a better place by “coaching leaders who develop leaders”. Ezra lives in NY with his wife and 5 "growing up fast" young adults.

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