
Transforming Your Weakness Into a Superpower

With Isaac BardosEP 120

Are you ready to do the work that it takes to have a breakthrough in your business? In this episode, our guest is Isaac Bardos, the kid who everyone thought would never be successful at anything. But Isaac used that rejection to develop into a college athlete, a well-regarded public speaker, the founder of numerous successful companies, and a business coach who can diagnose a business’ core problem in minutes.

Join Meny as he and Isaac talk about effective leadership, what it means to have a calling, how to spot the patterns that can tell you what’s really happening in your business, make better decisions, and much more. Listen and enjoy!


[00:01 – 13:04] Opening Segment

• How understanding your weaknesses can make you a better leader

• How Isaac became a successful public speaker and business coach

• Isaac’s story of overcoming obstacles to achieve success

Being doubted by family and friends, and starting his own businesses
Providing more value to his clients by helping them achieve their goals


[13:05 – 28:52] What You Need to Be a Successful Leader

• How an upbringing can either be seen as victimization or as fuel for someone’s future

• It is a learnable skill to be a leader, but most people are not naturally born leaders

Moses’s story
• Leadership is about looking at where someone wants to go and what is needed to get there

• Leaders need to be connected to their employees to lead them effectively


[28:53 – 44:24] How to Navigate the Business World When the Recession Hits

• When it comes to scaling a business, you need to take a “really serious look” at scalability

• Why patterns are essential for your business

Patterns can help protect businesses and help you stay ahead of the curve
• What business leaders should focus on

Focus on what’s going to help your businesses grow


[44:25 – 52:52] Closing Segment

• Isaac on the four rapid questions

• Q&A: How to budget for marketing your business?

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Practical Pointers
“Having a calling” doesn’t mean that you’re going to save the world; it means that you find yourself in a certain situation at a certain time - and you showed up and did what had to be done.
Leadership is effective when a leader demonstrates empathy by showing up, participating, and above all listening. That will encourage your employees to follow where you lead them more than simply issuing orders from above.
Although leaders like being seen as the experts who know everything, people will look to you for guidance and open up to you if you are willing to be vulnerable and open up to them, too.
Great business leaders are like great coaches: they look at themselves and their opponents in order to discover the patterns. If you’re not sure where something is going, zoom out, notice the patterns, and that will help you figure out the most appropriate steps to take and what steps to avoid.
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Guest Bio
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Isaac Bardos

Isaac Bardos is a seasoned business coach who can diagnose a business' core problem in 20 mins. His direct, say it like it is approach integrates personal development, practical sales psychology, and top-of-the-line business strategy to create lasting change. He's been featured on live TV, in major magazines, and publications. Executives, entrepreneurs, and business owners across North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa have sought Isaac to coach them and their team.

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