When you scale your business, becoming a larger organization with multiple employees, you need to stop letting everything run through you – in other words, you need to become a CEO instead of a Founder. Of course, easier said than done – which is why Meny spoke to Business Coach Eric Adelman, who is expert in helping founders transition when their companies grow significantly larger. Together they discuss the basic building blocks needed to make that transition work, and how you can use those building blocks effectively. Learn about delegating, time management, setting goals (and knowing the difference between a goal and a wish), as well as how to create an enjoyable company culture, and why it matters. If you’re ready to make the leap into running a bigger company, this is an episode that you absolutely should not miss.
[00:01 – 07:35] – The Founder to CEO Shift
Understanding the need to evolve from hands-on involvement to strategic leadership
The importance of building a self-sustaining team
Recognizing the right time for this transition
[07:36 – 16:32] – Mastering the Art of Delegation
Learning to delegate tasks effectively and understanding the 80% rule
Overcoming the challenge of letting go of control
Strategies for effective and responsible delegation
[16:33 – 24:14] – Time Management: A Leader’s Ally
Techniques for managing time efficiently as a leader
Importance of intentional scheduling and prioritizing
Balancing availability with productivity
[24:15 – 32:05] – Goal Setting: Turning Visions into Reality
Adopting the SMART goal framework for actionable results
Distinguishing between aspirations and achievable goals
Aligning personal and business goals for holistic growth
[32:06 – 42:22] – Cultivating a Thriving Company Culture
The impact of a fun and engaging work environment on employee retention
Tailoring company culture to match team dynamics
Integrating personal development into professional growth

Eric Adelman is a Business Coach who works primarily with founders and entrepreneurs. He has personal experience founding, managing, growing and selling a multimillion dollar business, and draws upon that reservoir to help his clients set goals and attain them.
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