Insights, ideas, and inspiration to power your business further.

alt Is Asking for Help a Strength or a Weakness?
By Meny Hoffman Leadership 3 min read

Do you view asking for help as a strength or as a weakness? Your answer to this question can make or break your business. By the time he came to me to ask for advice, the only thing left to do was stop the bleeding and get out. He sat across from me in my […]

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alt How Two Minutes Can Ruin Your Day
By Nechama Leitner Leadership 3 min read

Guarding one’s time is one of the hardest yet most important skills every entrepreneur needs to learn. Here are some Ptex Practical Pointers to get you started. Knock, knock. Your employee peeks their head in innocently. “Do you have two minutes?” OK. It’s just two minutes, you think. “Sure! How can I help you?” Tell […]

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alt Wish You Could Be More Productive? Start Here.
By Nechama Leitner Productivity 3 min read

Just like you budget your money, you have to also budget your time according to what’s most important for your business. We all know that feeling. The one when you finish your workweek, only to realize that you didn’t even get to the most important tasks on your list. People always ask me, “With so […]

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alt The Two Hardest Words to Say: I’m Sorry
By Nechama Leitner Let's Talk Business 3 min read

Whether or not you have the courage to say I’m sorry can drastically change the course of your relationships—and sometimes even the course of your business. Do you believe admitting you’re wrong is a sign of weakness or a sign of strength? Do you think apologizing hurts your credibility or enhances it? How hard is […]

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Recent Featured

Our New Website is Live! (and what it means)

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Ptex Group Wins GDUSA 2024 Award for “Kickoff” Branding

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Ptex Group Wins GDUSA 2024 Award for Branding Rosemary Supermarket

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Ptex Group Wins GDUSA 2024 Award for Branding Rosemary Supermarket

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Our New Website is Live! (and what it means)

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Burnout is Bad. Here’s How to Avoid It.

3 min read

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