Insights, ideas, and inspiration to power your business further.

You only have a limited amount of emotional and mental energy to give in any 24-hour period. What do you want to spend it on? As a person in business, each day can feel like a new rollercoaster of experiences and emotions. One minute you’re engaged in an exciting sales call with a large potential […]
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Two lumberjacks were competing in the finals of the annual lumberjack competition. One was older and more experienced, the other a younger and stronger lumberjack. The rules were simple: Whoever can fell the most trees in a day, wins. The younger lumberjack, full of enthusiasm, immediately got to work. He could hear the other lumberjack […]
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There are two ways to look at your competition: as a curse, or as a blessing. It’s an old story. Two friends, Joe and Dan, move to a new town. Both being entrepreneurial guys, Joe decides to open a pizza shop, and Dan opens a grocery store. After a few months, they meet and start […]
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There are essentially three levels of value that an employee can give to a company. Know which level you’re on—and figure out what you need to do to get to the next level. Most of my articles, as you’ve probably noticed, are geared toward business owners, managers, and entrepreneurs. But if you’re an employee at […]
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