
Sales Versus Selling: Developing a Successful Sales Strategy

With Eric BalisEP 146

Has your business reached a plateau, and you’re eager to jump to the next level of success with increased sales? If so, you need to listen to Meny’s interview with fractional sales advisor Eric Balis. Eric and Meny discuss some of the ways to develop a successful sales strategy, the three potential qualities of your product that will lead to sales, investing in the right people for your sales team, how to find the salesperson who will mesh nicely with your company culture, how to make projections that are both ambitious and realistic, and more.


[00:01 – 07:29] Opening Segment

• How Eric helps small to medium-sized businesses, increase sales

Helping businesses get unstuck and grow by working hands-on with them
• Eric’s goal is to help businesses hire a sales leader

• Revenue is growing, and business is doing well


[07:30 – 14:36] Sales Strategies for Growing Revenue and Business Success

• The importance of having an impact on the business and the people you work with

• Understanding the “why” behind your business is crucial for strategy

The sales process vs. selling process distinction
• Adding to top-line revenue, decreasing expenses, and improving efficiencies are critical goals for a business


[14:37 – 21:22] Setting Realistic Sales Expectations

• How a 360 onboarding plan helps set milestones for new hires

The first year is an investment year for both the salesperson and owner
• How historical data can be used to project revenue plans

Metrics and KPIs are essential for tracking progress and making adjustments


[21:23 – 28:17] Tips on Hiring the Right Salesperson

• Uncomfortableness is a good thing for growth and meeting goals

• Sales success requires the right expectations

• Hiring the right salesperson requires assessing attitude and aptitude

Why is not everyone cut out for sales?


[28:18 – 32:14] Closing Segment

• Salespeople should maintain a winning attitude and proactively manage highs and lows

• Eric on the rapid-four questions

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Practical Pointers
Know your “why” - why are you in business, why are you better than the competition, why will customers choose to work with you. By concentrating on the why, you’ll be able to devise a sales strategy that works for you and your company culture.
There’s a difference between sales and selling: sales means hitting certain milestones and goals, but selling means knowing your buyer, knowing their pain, and - most importantly - knowing what problem you’re solving for them.
Products don’t sell themselves anymore. Instead, you need to offer one of three things: add to top line revenue, decrease expenses, or improve operational efficiencies. If you can’t do any of them, don’t expect to make a sale.
Investing in the right people for your sales team is the foundation of a successful sales strategy. But that also means investing in working out a realistic growth plan based on what has transpired over the previous two years.
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Guest Bio
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Eric Balis

Eric Balis is a fractional sales advisor who helps small to medium-sized companies build a path to increased sales. A noted expert, Eric helps businesses by assessing existing sales teams, strategies, sales & coaching processes, and sales execution and by creating sales infrastructure components and sales leadership. Eric is the Fractional VP of Sales and Founder of Top Tier Sales Advisors.

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